Holy guacamole, how is it already March?! This month we will be planting a TON of veggies outside, which means that the next week or two will be focused on getting our growing beds prepped and ready for planting.
Our process for prepping each bed goes like this: 1) Thoroughly weed the bed, 2) use a broadfork to lift/loosen the soil, 3) put down compost (about 3 wheelbarrows per bed) and any other natural amendments, and 4) use the tilther to blend in the compost/amendments and create a smooth bed for planting. Bed prep is actually one of my favorite farm tasks, as I find it incredibly satisfying to take a bed that has gotten a bit weedy and disheveled, and to get it back into shape for a new round of plants to grow and thrive.
Prepping beds for spring veggies! (this photo is from last season)
Kitchen Notes
On Sunday night, I was rooting around the pantry and fridge to figure out what to make for our #sundaysoup, and I’ve gotta say, the final result may be a new house favorite! I ended up making a tuscan-style kale, white bean and sausage soup, which came together super quickly, and was made from staple ingredients that you most likely already have on hand. If you wanted to make this vegetarian/vegan, you could certainly leave out the sausage (though I’d suggest adding another hearty vegetable like potatoes for some extra body/protein if you leave out the sausage). One secret to making this soup uber delicious is throwing in a wedge of parmesan cheese (or a leftover parmesan rind) to simmer with all the other ingredients. The parmesan (while optional) is highly encouraged, as it adds a bit of salty / umami flavor that makes this soup just a liiiiitle something extra that will have you going back for seconds (and thirds)!
Kale, White Bean & Sausage Soup
1 tablespoon olive oil
12 oz beef Polska Kiebasa Sausage , sliced into 1/4” thick slices
1 medium yellow onion, diced
2 cups chopped carrots (4-6 carrots)
2 cups chopped celery (4-6 stalks)
4 cloves garlic, minced
Parmesan wedge/rind (optional, but highly encouraged)
5-6 cups chicken or veggie broth (or water)
2 teaspoons dried oregano
1 teaspoon dried rosemary
Salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
1 bunch kale, thick ribs removed and roughly chopped
3 cans cannellini or great northern white beans
2 tablespoons red wine vinegar
Heat olive oil in a large pot over medium heat. Add sausage and cook until slightly browned, tossing occasionally, about 5 minutes. Remove sausage, while leaving any fat in the pot, and side aside sausage on a plate lined with paper towels.
Return to pot with oil to medium heat, add onion, carrots, and celery with a pinch of salt and saute for 4-5 minutes (while scraping bottom of pan to get the browned bits). Add garlic, dried oregano, and dried rosemary and saute another minute longer.
Stir in chicken/veggie broth (or water) and parmesan wedge/rind and season with salt + pepper to taste. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat, then lower heat to a simmer and cook for 15-20 minutes, until the soup begins to thicken a bit.
Stir in chopped kale, cooked sausage, white beans (I like to include the liquid from the cans of beans, but you can drain if desired), and red wine vinegar and allow the flavors to meld over medium-low heat for about five minutes. Serve warm, top each serving with parmesan cheese.
Today’s Stats
Low temp: 34F
High temp: 61F
Sunrise: 6:47am
Sunset: 6:12pm
Moon phase: Waning Gibbous
Additional notes: Cloudy and rainy most of the day.